Meet the Team
Дата публикации: 14.02.2023

Meet the Team


London: Here are some tips to understand how single men think, what they want and why they do, from someone who was one. Author and dating guru Humfrey Hunter has offered his unique dating advice to help one understand the manifold mysteries of the male mind, so they can make the right moves at the right time, reports the Daily Mail. Hunter says that if a guy is really interested in you, he will be in touch.

on a girlfriend for guidance won’t get you anywhere, according to dating expert Humfrey Hunter. The brutally honest author has spilled the.

So what actually goes on in a guy’s head? Men can be more confusing than advanced algebra. Luckily, Humfrey Hunter is on hand to help you figure them out. This is a no-holds-barred look at how single men think, what they want and why they do what they do, from someone who was one. Wondering why he didn’t call? Can’t decide between Mr Nice and a Bad Boy? Hoping a fling might become something more serious?

If you’re tired of mixed signals or utterly bemused by blokes’ behaviour, you’re not the only one. But Humfrey’s inside knowledge and direct dating advice will help you understand the manifold mysteries of the male mind, make the right moves at the right time, and weed out the good guys from the heart-breakers and head-wreckers.

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