On the chronology of lunar origin and evolution
Дата публикации: 02.03.2023

On the chronology of lunar origin and evolution


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from any previously characterized lunar granite and is largely unaffected by evolved lunar rocks that has the general formula (Ca,REE). Zr(Ti,Nb () 40ArAr dating on Apollo 12 regolith: Implications on the age of Co- pernicus and.

After the Apollo 11 astronauts made their difficult journey to the Moon and landed on the surface, the work had only just begun. As soon as they dropped down onto the surface, they had to carry out one of their most important missions: scooping up bits of the Moon and bringing it back down to Earth. The difficulty of doing so was one of the things that occupied the scientists and the astronauts that carried out the mission.

But the fact they were able to was a discovery that helped inform discoveries about the origin of the solar system and perhaps one day of life. Those rocks help inform research even to this day. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin arrived on the Moon, picking up the rocks in the first place proved very difficult. The astronauts were wearing huge pressure suits, which made it very difficult to move around at all and even harder to bend down.

To solve those problems, they were given special tools, not unlike the tongs used to pick up litter back on Earth, as well as rakes. That meant they could scoop up and pick up the rocks without having to contend with the difficulty of getting near the floor. Before they did grab them, the astronauts photographed the spot where they were found. The photographs were taken next to another tool that was carried up to the moon, which was placed next to the rock and so allowed anyone looking at it to understand what size and colour it was.

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